OM proposes an inclusive wearable technology that can enrich the human experience through frequencies that we can truly feel.
Our aim is to develop a universal vibrotactile language (can perceive through the sense touch) that provides access to contextualised information relevant to the user, making no assumptions about a user’s ability to engage with the environment. OM grows with its users as it learns to better translate any context relevant to the users

OM: A Comprehensive Tool to Elicit Subjective Vibrotactile Expressions Associated with Contextualised Meaning in Our Everyday Lives
Cortés, J.P.F., Suriyaarachchi, H., Nassani, A., Zhang, H. and Nanayakkara, S.C., 2021. OM: A Comprehensive Tool to Elicit Subjective Vibrotactile Expressions Associated with Contextualised Meaning in Our Everyday Lives. In MobileHCI ’21: The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human Computer Interaction, Sept. 27- Oct. 1, 2021, Touluse, France.