Jiashuo Cao
Master Student
Jiashuo graduated from Chengdu University and Information Technology with a bachelor degree in computer science last year, and is now doing a six-month internship in Augmented Human Lab. During his college years, he joined the Interactive Media Studio and participated in some project related to Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction, which is also his interest.
In his spare time, Jiashuo loves music and games, especially Nintendo games.
Tidd: Augmented Tabletop Interaction Supports Children with Autism to Train Daily Living Skills
Wu, Q., Wang, W., Liu, Q., Cao, J., Xu, D. and Nanayakkara, S.C., 2023. Tidd: Augmented Tabletop Interaction Supports Children with Autism to Train Daily Living Skills. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters (pp. 1-2).
Striving for Authentic and Sustained Technology Use in the Classroom: Lessons Learned from a Longitudinal Evaluation of a Sensor-Based Science Education Platform
Chua, Y., Cooray, S., Cortes, J.P.F., Denny, P., Dupuch, S., Garbett, D.L., Nassani, A., Cao, J., Qiao, H., Reis, A, Reis, D., Scholl, P.M., Sridhar, P.K., Suriyaarachchi, H., Taimana, F., Tang, V., Weerasinghe, C., Wen, E., Wu, M., Wu, Q., Zhang, H., Nanayakkara, S.C. 2023. Striving for Authentic and Sustained Technology Use In the Classroom: Lessons Learned from a Longitudinal Evaluation of a Sensor-based Science Education Platform. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (IJHCI).
Sensor-Based Interactive Worksheets to Support Guided Scientific Inquiry
Cao, J., Chan, S.W.T., Garbett, D.L., Denny, P., Nassani, A., Scholl, P.M. and Nanayakkara, S.C., 2021. Sensor-Based Interactive Worksheets to Support Guided Scientific Inquiry. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’21), June 24–30, 2021, Athens, Greece. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. Best Short Paper Award!
VersaTouch: A Versatile Plug-and-Play System that Enables Touch Interactions on Everyday Passive Surfaces.
Shi, Y., Zhang, H., Cao, J., and Nanayakkara, S.C., 2020. VersaTouch: A Versatile Plug-and-Play System that Enables Touch Interactions on Everyday Passive Surfaces. In AHs ’20: Augmented Humans International Conference (AHs ’20), March 16–17, 2020, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Ready, Steady, Touch!: Sensing Physical Contact with a Finger-Mounted IMU
Shi, Y., Zhang, H., Zhao, K., Cao, J., Sun, M. and Nanayakkara, S.C., 2020. Ready, steady, touch! sensing physical contact with a finger-mounted IMU. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 4(2), pp.1-25.